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Although I am a traditionalist I love special places, things and special people too. I love organized things, to know what I have to be and organize my activities in an efficient way but at the same time I hate routine. I do not like to do the same ordinary things every day. So most of the times, I let myself carried by the wave or the proposals I get from the others although I might have already something planned.

Those who love special things too can see this special home located in Frohnleiten, Austria. It is made of some concrete cubes packed away in velvety soft green Astroturf. This odd building was designed by the architect Weichlbauer Ortis. Perhaps the intention was to create something that would integrate itself in the surrounding environment very well. The house looks like a strange tree due to its odd shape and the velvety soft green Astroturf. Read more [ via : homedit ]

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